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Year | Item | Category |
2011 | “Hume and the Enlightenment”, in Craig Taylor and Stephen Buckle (ed.), Hume and the Enlightenment (London: Pickering and Chatto, 2011), 13-37. | Articles in Collections |
2011 | “Philosophy, Historiography and the Enlightenment: A Response to Green”, in Hume and the Enlightenment, 53-64. | Articles in Collections |
2010 | “The New Hume and the Old”, University of Rome, La Sapienza, 2010. | International Seminar Papers |
2009 | P. J. E. Kail, Projection and Realism in Hume’s Philosophy (Oxford, 2007), in Hume Studies 34.1 (2009). | Book Reviews in Professional Journals |
2008 | “Aristotle’s Republic, or Why Aristotle’s Ethics Is Not Virtue Ethics”, in George Klosko (ed.), Aristotle (Aldershot: Ashgate Publishing, 2008). (International Library of Essays in the History of Social and Political Thought) (Reprinted from Philosophy 77.) | Articles in Collections |
2008 | “Hume in the Enlightenment Tradition”, in Elizabeth S. Radcliffe (ed.), A Companion to Hume (Oxford & Cambridge MA: Blackwell Publishing, 2008), 21-37. | Articles in Collections |
2007 | “Hume’s Sceptical Materialism”, Philosophy 82 (October 2007), 553-78. | Articles and Replies in Refereed Journals |
2007 | “Descartes, Plato and the Cave”, Philosophy 82 (April 2007), 301-37. | Articles and Replies in Refereed Journals |
2006 | “Consequentialism and Utilitarianism: Form and Content in Recent Moral Theory”, Ethics Education 12.2 (December 2006), 13-21. | Articles and Replies in Refereed Journals |
2006 | “Hume’s Sceptical Materialism”, University of Otago, NZ, 2006. | International Seminar Papers |
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